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Dear Grandma,

Writer's picture: Hannah KalkHannah Kalk

Updated: Jun 10, 2018

I was fortunate enough to share this letter with my Grandma this weekend. She is battling an aggressive form of cancer and does not have much time on this Earth.  Hear more about her story and our trip to say “goodbye” here.

When thinking about what I wanted to share with Grandma, I was reminded how each Christmas she gifts each grandchild and great-grandchild with an acrostic poem of their first name. She has never repeated a word and spends countless hours praying on which words to select. Often times, she has to give us the dictionary definition as the words are well outside of our vocabulary. Each Christmas there is anticipation, laughter, and teary eyes as each person reads their selected words out loud. It is one of my favorite parts of the Christmas season and has provided memories that I will hold onto for years to come.

Ultimately, I decided it was time to return the favor. The following letter includes the words that Grandma has always represented to me, and the messages that I want her to cling to in her final days. Please enjoy.


Every year I treasure the way you turn all 8 grandchildren, 4 of our spouses, and 8 great-grandchildren’s names into an Acrostic poem. As someone who loves reading, writing, and the depth behind words, this act of love has always been deeply sentimental to me.

As your day to meet Jesus gets closer and closer, I feel both immense joy and immense sorrow. Joy in knowing you will be celebrating in Heaven and sorrow that there will be Christmases, births, and other events that will go on without you here. I will be okay, and my faith will not be shaken, but I want you to know that I love you deeply. It is rare that people are given the opportunity to say their good-byes before passing. For that gift, I am incredibly thankful. There is no way that I can write out my love for you or explain how much you have meant to me, but I can give you what you have always given to me. Here are the words that define you, Grandma.

G for GODLY. Not a day goes by that you do not show your love for God. You are a prayer warrior and a God-fearing woman. You honor him, obey him, and trust in his goodness. You have modeled what it means to spend time in the word, pray without ceasing, and keep him the focus in both tragedy and celebration. The day we prayed over you will forever be one of my favorite memories with you. Grandma, you have passed your Godliness onto me, and for that I am eternally grateful.

R for RADIANT. You radiate love, joy, and beauty everywhere you go. One day I long to write a book. Believe it or not, I have already started working on it. In that book, there will be lots written about how to shine God’s light in the darkness. How to obey in the midst of struggle and the seasons of blessings. As I write the book, Radiant, you have to know that you will be one of my primary inspirations. Thank you for shining your radiant light on me during both my darkest days and my greatest joys.

A for ACTIVE. You have spent your life focused on health and balance. I always remember you playing ball with us, walking with us on the never-ending walk to Dairy Queen, and staying socially active with your Bible study, Cousins breakfast, and much more. I laugh every time I think about you saying that Tuesday is your busy day. I have struggled with health so much, and I look to you to remember that health is about being intentional, balanced, and active. Thank you for staying healthy so that we could enjoy you for so many years.

N for NEAT. You kept your house and life both neat and orderly. You ALWAYS have your planner and you never forgot anything of importance. (Except last year when it was my birthday and I was SO worried something was wrong. Turns out you had just had too much fun and the day had gotten away from you). As a new stay-at-home mom, I am learning to follow in your example. You have taught me that my home is my work space, and it should be kept neat so that your people can feel relaxed and comfortable. Thanks for being that model.

D for DIRECT. You were NEVER afraid to speak your mind. You are a woman of integrity, truth, and strength. You know exactly what you want, and you are not afraid to find a way to make it happen. I am so proud to have experienced a strong and independent woman. You passed that along to my mom, and she passed that down to me. I pray that someday I will have the strength and courage that you display. Thank you for speaking truth to us and offering the wisdom every chance you got.

M for MOTHERLY. You always cared for us so well. You were there to play, hug, laugh, and cry with us. You found a way to love each grandchild exactly as they are, quirks and all. You have displayed God’s unconditional love to each of us, and for that I am so grateful. I hope to display the same love to my children and grandchildren that you have always given to me.

A for ADORED. People absolutely adore you. Your reputation is never challenged, and you have left behind a legacy. Your marriage is strong and unwavering. Your husband loves you, your children love you, and we, your grandchildren, love you. Your people will never stop loving you.








Grandma, I hope that I have made you proud. I will do my absolute best to be a woman of God just like you. I hope to have a marriage that lasts a lifetime like you. I hope to build a family that goes on for generations like you. Grandma, I will miss your cinnamon toast, your birthday singing, your Christmas gift, and your 10-minute goodbyes. But most importantly, Grandma I will miss you dearly.  I will leave you with this verse, as it is one of my favorites…

“We rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.” – Romans 5:3-5

Love you a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck,

♥ Hannah



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