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#TransformtoRedeem19 in Review

Heavy and Holy If I had to sum up the #transformtoredeem19 journey, it would be best described by the revelation of the two words above....

My Newest Tribe

Every woman I've ever met wants a tribe. A tribe consists of your people. The people who will be there for you through it all. The people...

The Power of Habit - Book Summary

"The Power of Habit" is a fun read that will leave you questioning everything you've ever known about habits. Charles Duhigg gives the...


If you haven’t heard me talk about it yet, each December I faithfully pray that God would reveal a word that will be my focus for the...

Faith or Fear?

You might be wondering where I have been the past month. The truth is that I have been busy disconnecting and being present with my...

5 Things to Do When You Decide to Choose Discipline

When you make the decision to choose discipline, it is exhilarating. You will be filled with excitement, fear, joy, and motivation. It is...


If you search for the #BeDisciplined2016, you will find some posts throughout the year that document my journey to health. Some are meant...

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