One of the biggest lies that Satan tells us is that our dreams will never come to fruition, so why try?
Even when determining whether or not I should begin this blog, my mind battled with the idea that if it was not perfect and a wild success, then I shouldn’t even try.
For the perfectionists like me, this lie is crippling. Thankfully, God has opened up my eyes to see His truth.

I am a passionate and determined soul with a heart on fire to fulfill God’s plans for me. Abundant life is what I seek, and I seek it with everything I have. In 2014, a good friend of mine encouraged me to complete a dream board with her. Admittedly, at the time it felt a little silly, but yet it has kicked off this powerful and transformative journey.
On my list was: Become a Mom. Adopt children. Go to Grad School. Become a Marriage and Family Therapist. Write a Book. Speak at a Conference.
Recently, I was invited to speak at our local church’s women’s ministry conference on a discipline I am extremely passionate about,Immanuel Journaling. I coordinated babysitting for my son, prepared my message, and became excited to cross off an item on my dream board.
I later got the call that there was a miscommunication and they already had that spot covered. Immediately, I felt rejected, less than, and let down. I struggled, because I just knew this opportunity had been of God, and in my mind, I had failed.
After some soul searching, I recognized that I had made the opportunity about me instead of about God.
I wanted to get recognition as a speaker and receive praise for my work rather than point people to seek Jesus.

Fast forward a few days, and I decided to meet a friend for coffee (Well, she drank coffee, I don’t drink coffee. This experience has always been awkward for me.) Anyways, she was wrestling with some important decisions and was having trouble hearing from Jesus. In that moment, I was able to share how Immanuel Journaling has deepened my spiritual walk and allowed me to hear clearly and directly from God. She shared in a future conversation that she was so blessed by the Immanuel Journaling, and God had gifted her clarity regarding her difficult situation.
It was almost immediately that God revealed to me that just because the conference did not work out the way I intended it to, it does not mean that the experience was a failure. In fact it was quite the opposite. The little moments in the coffee shop eventually lead to the big moments on a stage.
From that revelation, I began writing in this blog. I thought will it fail? Possibly. Will I regret it? Not at all. I won’t regret it, because the enemy’s lie will not stop me from giving God the glory. My fear of failure will no longer control my life. I WILL have a life of abundance and I WILL encourage others to do the same.
So here is my dream board as it currently stands. I’m sure I will have much more to add to the list over the years.
Join me in writing your own dream board. What lies are holding you back from jumping all in?
