I have always loved summer. When Jacob and I were in high school, we spent all day everyday swimming, date nights, and parties. It was a blast! For whatever reason I hear songs and I can think back to various summers and remember belting it out during car rides. Not any other time, just summer.
Needless to say…I am so glad I am done with school. This semester I received all A’s except Chem 2 which I got a B. I am so happy with that B:) For the first time in my schooling I really had to try in that class, and I learned a lot from it. What am I most excited about? SLEEP. Tuesday night (after the last final) I went to bed at 7:30 pm and slept until 9 am the next day. It’s out of control, but absolutely something I need to catch up on! My husband has enjoyed his fair share of sleeping his days away:).Wednesday was my dad’s wedding. I cannot even explain how happy I was about it. I haven’t seen him this happy in a long time. Melanie is an amazing lady, and we are blessed to have her be a part of our family. Funny story about the wedding…They had decided that they wanted it to just be the two of them, until Wednesday morning when they changed their minds. I got a text asking if Jacob and I could come to the wedding. Mel’s son Landry (age 8) decided he wanted to be ring bearer, and they thought if he wanted to be included that it was important they include him. Her other son Joe (age 6) informed them he DID NOT want to see kissing so he wouldn’t be attending. Made me laugh so hard. Jacob and I both worked, but we work for the coolest people ever. I was able to switch shifts with a fellow manager, and Jake’s manager said he could come in late so we didn’t have to rush home! My (not so baby) brother is playing drums in church this week, so he had to go to band practice for this Sunday. He was missed! I also should do a shout-out to my best friend Lana who spent the whole day creating the perfect wedding outfit:) Missed that girl like crazy! I wish I had more pictures, but until then I will share a couple of my favorites.

The reason I like this one is because we were all there except for the man who was marrying them, so my dad was patiently giving directions.

This was the whole group. From left to right: Keith (I think?!? He is one of my dad’s pastor friends.), Dad and Mel (who you can barely see), little boy is Landry, Girls are her nieces August and Kennedy, the lady sitting is her sister Kim, myself, the lady in Pink and man in blue is Tim and Deb (my dad’s reptile friends), Jacob in all black, and the man in the back is Mel’s dad. Her step mom is taking the picture! Again I will get more pictures later!

I love this one, because you can see how happy the two of them are…

This one I loved, because this is what they spend most of their time doing…Laughing:)

This is part of the new family (minus Joe, Tyler, and Luke). After the wedding, we went out to eat and we had an amazing night. So again, congrats Mel and Dad and I hope you have many more happy years.Finally I thought I would leave off with one of the many reasons I adore my husband…He does random things like this:
