To the father of my son...
I see you modeling what it means to be a Godly man. Every. Single. Day.
I see you on the floor, building innovative towers of blocks only to have them torn down a few seconds later.
I see you work hard and sacrifice greatly to provide for us financially.
I see you overflowing with joy as you play catch with our son.
I see you making the calls and setting up the accounts to remove "to-dos" off my list.
I see you battling the fear that you will let down our child yet simultaneously doing everything in your power to avoid that.
I see you getting up in the middle of the night with our baby when I am sick and allowing me to rest.

I see you being an equal partner in the parenting and household chores.
I see you loving me well and modeling to our son how to treat women with respect.
I see you cooking dinner every single time, because I'm not about that life.
I see you belly laugh with our son at the crazy cats and wish I could freeze those moments forever.
I see you expressing pride in the fact that our son just crawled for the first time.
I see you striving daily to be the father that you always wished you had.
I see you mowing the lawn, taking out the trash, and fixing technology even though those tasks are the WORST.
I see you selecting the word "intentional" for the year and truly living that out.
I see your need for disconnecting and enjoying sports and video games. (And I see you giving grace when I am not respectful of your need).
I see you willingly changing the poopy diapers, even when it "stinks." (I had to fit a dad joke in!)
I see you recognizing when I am in need of a break and graciously stepping in.

I see your handsome features being passed down to our baby boy. (You boys kill me with that dimple).
I see you soaking up each and every minute as time passes all too quickly.
I see you rubbing it in that our baby said "dada" first (though truly I'm thankful he knows exactly who his Daddy is).
I see you putting away your phone to give our son your full attention.
Most importantly, I see you pursuing Christ with everything you have, knowing full well that is the best thing you can do for our son.
In a world that is constantly demanding for women and moms to be celebrated and worshiped, I want to make sure that you, the dads, are recognized. You keep our world running. You are our heroes. You pick us up when we are down and celebrate the wins in our lives. You find a away to make us all feel secure at night even in the midst of chaos and stress.

Jacob, I know that this Father's Day will be extra challenging for you. This will be your first Father's Day as a daddy to Jaxon and your first Father's Day with out your dad, Rick. I can promise you that your dad would be incredibly proud of the father you have become. From the bottom of our hearts, we truly love and appreciate you.
<3 Hannah and Jaxon