The Fellowship Residency Program has introduced me to the idea of reading commentaries alongside scripture. By August of 2019, I will have read through the entire Bible as well as The King in His Beauty, our selected commentary. As I am reading, I am writing a little bit about each of the books of the Bible so you and I can have a more thorough understanding of the scriptures. I invite you to follow along with me as we learn the Bible in its entirety from Genesis to Revelation. This summary does NOT encompass the entire book, but it is a good place to start. I encourage you to read for yourself and begin your own Biblical journal along the way. To read any of my other Residency related posts, click here.

Introduction – The same theme continues in Hebrew of the kingdom’s already but not yet status. The book is both linear and vertical. The promises of the OT have been fulfilled in Jesus Christ, and vertical in that Heaven has finally come down to earth. The final word has been proclaimed in Christ’s fulfillment of the promises. The entire book is a sermon to urge the readers against betraying their faith. If the readers were to relapse, they negate the promised salvation.
Jesus Superior to the Angels – Even in name alone, Christ is superior. He is the Son, and the angels are His servants. Unlike the angels, Jesus is divine. Christ radiates the glory of God and consistently acts as a representative of the nature of God. the author of Hebrews supports that Jesus is the promised Messiah and is truly divine. Through His death, our consciences are made clean and eternal forgiveness has been given to us. Now, Jesus sits at the right hand of God knowing that His sacrificial work has been made complete. It was always God’s intention for the world to be ruled by human beings, the same rings true in Christ. However, we now know that humans can only rule after they are made right before God and purified from all unrighteousness and sin.
Jesus Superior to Moses and Joshua – Jesus is also argued to be superior to Moses and Joshua in the book of Hebrews. Jesus is the better Moses for He is the true builder of the house of God as well as functioning as the Son rather than a servant. Likewise, Jesus is superior to Joshua due to His ability to provide a long and lasting rest for the country of Israel. The only true rest is a heavenly rest and is promised only for those who place their hope and trust in the Lord. Many of the readers of Hebrews were falling back into the ways of the law and Levitical priesthood. The author wants to remind them that suffering precedes glory even in the life of Jesus. We must endure the hardships to receive the blessing of heavenly rest.
The Melchizedekian Priesthood Superior to the Levitical Priesthood – The Melchizedekian priesthood of Jesus surpassed the Aaronic priesthood of the Mosaic covenant and law. Though difficult for the readers to understand, Jesus’s priesthood was vastly superior. The inadequacy of the animal sacrifices are made clear in Christ sacrificing His own body for all. More than anything, the author wanted to ensure people understood that that their sins are forgiven.
Admonitions against Apostasy– Ultimately, the warnings in the book are communicating the same message, “do not commit apostasy.” Though said many different ways, the warnings all shed more light on each other. To understand them, we must ask: who are the warnings addressing, what are they being warned about, and what will happen if they do not listen to the warnings?
The warnings are addressed to the church or churches to whom the letter is sent. The pronouns in the letter also imply that the letter is meant for all believers. The book discusses how the Holy Spirit is the mark of a NT believer. The readers are being warned about the danger of drifting away from their faith and neglecting the power and gift of their salvation. Instead, they must draw near to God and hold tight to their saving faith. Those that endure and put their faith in God have assurance over their eternal future. Finally, if they choose to abandon their faith, they will experience the consequence of a final and irrevocable judgment. The immutability of the judgment is emphasized throughout the book.
Conclusion – The OT is not completely rejected in Hebrews. Instead, it emphasizes how the OT events point us forward to Christ as the perfect priestly king who will bring a final and permanent rest to believers. Though the end days have arrived, they must also await the totality of the promises still to come. In the meanwhile, the readers are warned against falling away from their faith. In doing so, there is no hope for future repentance. All that will await them is final judgment. Hebrews repeatedly tells us that the greatest blessing at our disposal is fellowship with God through the sacrifice of Jesus. We now have access to God through Jesus, and we will one day enjoy His glory for eternity.
Themes: The kingdom has come in Jesus in His rule as the priest-king. Our sins are forgiven. Do not betray your faith.Turning away from one’s faith leads to an irrevocable and ultimately judgement.