Jacob is home..and I am sitting in our room. BY MYSELF! This is not ideal. I hate school. More importantly I hate when my husband has to write 10 page Astronomy research papers. We are finally together, and I am all by myself. Whiny? Absolutely, but I so have earned the whining. I haven’t seen him since our wedding. Of course I am exaggerating (do you know me?), but it still stinks. I am enjoying my Glee don’t get me wrong, but I always appreciate any time we get to spend time together.
I mentioned that I hate school and I mean it. I am absolutely not going to school for me. I am going to school because it is what I am “supposed to do”. A college degree has never been my own goal. It has always been everyone else’s. Alas, I will continue to trudge through papers, readings, and finals until I walk that glorious stage and be done with school once and for all!!! I will probably do more on this later…Until then, I will update you on what has been going on here at the Kalk’s.
I started a new job as a trainer at H-E-B’s central Texas region Training Center. I currently teach Checker Skills. This means every time a cashier is hired they go to my class to learn how to be a cashier. If you have a sucky cashier now this DOES NOT mean that you can blame me. Some people are not made for customer service. I absolutely LOVE this job. Here is the problem…I witnesses a trainer act completely inappropriately to a cashier. Needless to say I’ve been dealing with this for a while. I hate drama at work. I especially hate that this person may get fired because of it. Unfortunately, I had to do it. On a more positive note, I was made to be a trainer/teacher. It is in my blood (thanks Dad for giving me presentation skills). This is an exciting and fun new way for me to explore and grow in H-E-B.
Jacob has applied for a daytime spot in dairy. We are praying that he gets this job. This would mean everything to us. I would get to see him more, and he would be able to focus more on his schoolwork. Jacob doesn’t brag, but I love to. Especially when I can brag on him. He is at UT for physics and Astronomy. Next semester he is taking 17 hours! He is doing this, because this semester he was in a research class (hints the the paper) called Cosmic Dawn (ask him about it. It is cool to see him talk about the research). Anyways, next semester he will submit his research and his name will go on the journal once it is published. This is excellent for future resumes. Needless to say I am one proud wifey!!
I created this gorgeous painting

Yea I actually did a successful Pinterest project. With my total lack of creativity and artistic skills, I am proud of myself. This is a verse from my FAVORITE worship song. Every time i hear this song i get chills. EVERY TIME!! I can always tell God is with me when I get those chills. Anyways I can’t wait for this bad boy to be hung up on my wall, but my perfectionist husband will not accept a crooked painting, so I am banned. However, as I mentioned…it is finals week and he has a paper. My walls are barren. This will wait patiently (or not so patiently) along with my wedding pictures to be hung until he is less stressed. There is so much more that I want to update everyone on, but that will have to wait until next time!