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Where Have I Been, and Where Am I Going?

Writer's picture: Hannah KalkHannah Kalk

I've been behind. Not just behind in blogging, but behind in life. I have a messy house, a to-do list that is a million pages long, due dates that have come and gone, and goals that have yet to be met or even started. (In the middle of typing that sentence I remembered that I am behind on laundry and paused to go change loads. I am officially a mess.)

This is not the normal Hannah. I am nothing if not organized, on-time, and ahead of schedule. But life has gotten the best of me this summer.

In case you were questioning this reality, as I sat down to write this blog, I noticed my calendar. Stuck on May. Accurate description of the current Kalk home.

Anyways, life is changing. I am going to start work outside of the home on Wednesday. Jaxon will start preschool. And I am going to spend a year digging deep in personal growth, spiritual theology, and practical ministry. Poor Jacob is going to have to keep our household running during this time (as if he doesn't already do enough).

What prompted all of this you might ask? On a previous post about my bucket list, I shared my desire to write a book and become a speaker at conferences. God has revealed to our family that in order to do those things and be successful in my attempts, I must grow in my knowledge of who God is and in my personal walk with Christ.

I am incredibly blessed that I go to a church that offers me the opportunity to do just that. I will be able to participate in a year long residency program that focuses on teaching theology while giving us the opportunity to work on staff at the church. It has always been my greatest desire to work in ministry full-time, and I am thankful for the opportunity to gain experience and represent my church well.

In the meantime, we will be reading something like 28 books between now and May. Additionally, I will continue moving forward in grad school part-time and stay home with the baby a few days a week. Needless to say, my time for blogging will be minimal if anything.

I plan to take off the year and come back ready to write with more knowledge than I ever thought possible. In the meantime, I may post some of the book reviews that I write or simple life updates as I am able, but otherwise my free time will be devoted to being a wife and momma.

Knowing that my year as a stay-at-home mom wouldn't last forever, I spent the time traveling to visit family, building a strong marriage, creating goals and thinking about what God wants for our family, and soaking up every single minute with my sweet baby boy. Jaxon and I laughed, cried, and grew up together this past year. The additional time I was able to spend with God during this time is what ultimately gave us confidence in our decision to take this next step.

Being a Stay-At-Home Mom is not for the weak, but I am eternally grateful for my time at home with my sweet baby. I will miss his giggles, his snuggles, and most importantly, seeing him grow. Today and tomorrow I will enjoy every single moment as it passes. Even though today I have cleaned up cat vomit, baby poop, and snot off of my own body. The sweet moments with my baby have made the sacrifices all worth it.

Here is to another year of growth, challenges, successes, and life spent loving Jesus. (P.S. feel free to send love, chocolate, and prayers for my heart as I entrust my precious son into his new caregivers tomorrow).


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